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日期:2022-02-25   [复制链接]
责任编辑:sy_liujinying 打印收藏评论(0)[订阅到邮箱]
Enphase Energy,Inc.今天宣布,新泽西州的Enphase安装商已经看到越来越多由IQ供电的Enphase®能源系统的部署™ 微逆变器与智商™ 新泽西州居民寻求保护,防止电网中断。

去年,飓风艾达过后,数万新泽西居民遭遇停电。这些停电促使人们对家用太阳能和电池等可靠的备用电源解决方案越来越感兴趣。根据美国储能协会和Wood Mackenzie发布的最新美国储能监测报告,新泽西州住宅储能容量增长预测显示,同比增长稳定,预计到2026年,储能容量将增长近8倍。
Enphase铂金安装公司Momentum Solar的首席执行官亚瑟·苏里齐迪斯(Arthur Souritzidis)说:“家用电池对于全国各地的房主来说,是一项越来越重要的投资,可以在电网断电时获得能源恢复能力。”。“在家中添加一个带有IQ电池的分相能源系统,可以让房主拥有最终的控制权,使他们能够生产、储存和管理自己的清洁能源。”

此外,新泽西州的房主现在可以选择安装Enphase革命性的IQ8™ 太阳能微型逆变器。IQ8太阳能微型逆变器可以在断电期间提供阳光备份,即使没有电池。对于想要电池的房主来说,将同相IQ电池与IQ8太阳能系统配对没有尺寸限制。
Enphase铂金安装公司Orbit Energy&Power总裁兼首席执行官肖恩·安吉利尼(Sean Angelini)表示:“我们希望为客户提供尽可能最好的体验,而提供一些最好、最具创新性的太阳能技术对于实现这一目标至关重要。”。“Enphase IQ电池是市场上最先进的储能解决方案之一。它不仅提供最高性能,还提供安全性、耐用性和可靠性,这些品质是我们的客户最看重的。”

Enphase提供了一种更安全的太阳能电池解决方案,不会让安装人员或房主接触高压直流电。Enphase IQ电池具有磷酸铁锂(LFP)电池化学特性,通过优异的热稳定性,可提供较长的循环寿命和更安全的运行。电池配备同相电源启动™ 这项技术有助于为空调和井泵无缝供电。房主可以通过Enphase®应用程序了解自己的系统,也可以通过该应用程序脱离电网。Enphase IQ电池可用于无线软件升级,并提供10年有限保修和可选的5年有限保修延期供购买,而Enphase IQ8太阳能微型逆变器则提供25年有限保修。

“完整的Enphase能源系统(包括高品质太阳能、电池和软件技术)所带来的灵活性、独立性和恢复力正是我们的客户所期待的,”Enphase金牌安装商、美国十大住宅集成商Suntuity solar的首席执行官丹·贾万说。“与Enphase一起,我们致力于卓越和优质的客户体验,这样家庭就可以在知道自己掌握了良好的情况下转而使用太阳能和电池。”

Enphase Energy首席商务官戴夫·兰霍夫(Dave Ranhoff)说:“Enphase能源系统以IQ电池和IQ微型逆变器为特色,利用业界领先的技术,保护业主免受停电之苦,开启更可持续的生活。”。“在新泽西州值得信赖的专业安装网络的支持下,Enphase将继续满足客户对综合家庭能源解决方案的需求。”

Enphase Energy, Inc. announced today that Enphase installers in New Jersey have seen a growing number of deployments of the Enphase® Energy System, powered by IQ™ Microinverters and IQ™ Batteries, as New Jersey residents seek protection against grid outages.

Last year, tens of thousands of New Jersey residents experienced power outages following Hurricane Ida. These outages helped spur a growing interest in reliable backup power solutions like home solar and batteries. New Jersey residential storage capacity growth projections show steady year over year growth, with capacity expected to grow nearly 8-fold by 2026, according to the most recent U.S. Energy Storage Monitor report from the Energy Storage Association and Wood Mackenzie.

"Home batteries are an increasingly important investment for homeowners across the country to gain energy resilience during grid outages," said Arthur Souritzidis, CEO at Momentum Solar, an Enphase Platinum installer. "Adding an Enphase Energy System with IQ Batteries to a home gives homeowners ultimate control, enabling them to produce, store, and manage their own clean energy."

Additionally, New Jersey homeowners can now choose to install Enphase's revolutionary IQ8™ solar microinverters. The IQ8 solar microinverters can provide Sunlight Backup during an outage, even without a battery. For homeowners who want a battery, there are no sizing restrictions on pairing an Enphase IQ Battery with the IQ8 solar system.

"We want to provide our customers with the best possible experience, and offering some of the best, most innovative solar technology available is critical to achieving this," said Sean Angelini, president and CEO at Orbit Energy & Power, an Enphase Platinum installer. "The Enphase IQ Battery is one of the most advanced energy storage solutions on the market. It delivers not only peak performance, but also safety, durability, and reliability, and these qualities are what our customers value the most."

Enphase delivers a safer solar-plus-battery solution which does not expose installers or homeowners to high-voltage DC. Enphase IQ Batteries feature Lithium Iron Phosphate (LFP) battery chemistry, which provides a long cycle life and safer operation through excellent thermal stability. The batteries are equipped with Enphase Power Start™ technology, which helps seamlessly power-up air conditioners and well-pumps. Homeowners have insight into their systems through the Enphase® App, as well as the ability to go off-grid through the app. Enphase IQ Batteries accommodate over-the-air software upgrades and come with a 10-year limited warranty with an optional 5-year limited warranty extension available for purchase, while Enphase IQ8 solar microinverters come with a 25-year limited warranty.

"The flexibility, independence, and resilience enabled by the complete Enphase Energy System, including high-quality solar, batteries, and software technology, are exactly what our customers are looking for," said Dan Javan, CEO at Suntuity Solar, an Enphase Gold Installer and a top 10 U.S. Residential Integrator. "Along with Enphase, we are committed to excellence and a premium customer experience, so families can switch to solar and batteries knowing they are in good hands."

"The Enphase Energy System, featuring IQ Batteries and IQ Microinverters, harnesses industry-leading technology to protect homeowners from power outages and unlock more sustainable living," said Dave Ranhoff, chief commercial officer at Enphase Energy. "With the support of our trusted and dedicated installer network in New Jersey, Enphase continues to meet customer demand for comprehensive home energy solutions."

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