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Siemens与Desert Technologies成立合资公司,助力非洲光伏基建
日期:2022-02-25   [复制链接]
责任编辑:sy_liujinying 打印收藏评论(0)[订阅到邮箱]
正如今天在迪拜2020年世博会上宣布的那样,西门子和沙漠技术公司已经成立了一家合资企业,在非洲、中东和亚洲开发和投资太阳能和智能基础设施。Capton Energy是一家名为Capton Energy的合资企业,其目标是在总发电量超过1千兆瓦(GW)的项目上建立投资组合,将支持在最需要清洁、可靠、价格合理的能源领域提供能源的项目。

Capton Energy(“Capton”)的总部位于阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜,由Umer Ahmad领导,他于2022年1月加入,担任首席执行官和首席投资官。艾哈迈德是能源和基础设施融资行业的知名专家,在发达和新兴市场拥有超过21年的股权投资者、贷款人和顾问经验,曾领导巴克莱、德勤、SNC-Lavalin和Equitix等多家知名机构的业务和团队。


“太阳能在全球能源转型中扮演着关键角色,”SFS股权融资主管斯特芬·格罗斯(Steffen Grosse)说。“Capton的推出为推动更可持续、更灵活的能源系统在中东、非洲和亚洲部分地区的扩张奠定了基础,我们期待着与沙漠技术一起共同建设这个平台。”



“太阳能驱动的智能基础设施是可持续发展的关键,”沙漠技术集团首席投资官兼Capton董事会成员Khaled Sharbatly说。“基于可再生能源、存储和数字技术的整合,它们有可能改变我们生活的方方面面,成为从能源平等到清洁交通和电力移动等新的社会和经济模式的推动者。”。



Capton Energy首席执行官兼首席信息官乌默尔·艾哈迈德(Umer Ahmad)表示:“Capton Energy在组建太阳能主题投资渠道方面已经取得了进展,并正在逐步讨论启动首次融资。”。“有了西门子和沙漠技术公司作为战略合作伙伴,以及我们在Capton内部组建的出色团队,我们相信我们有完整的工具包,能够将开发、投资和技术能力最佳地结合起来,从而满足我们目标市场对太阳能日益增长的需求。”
Siemens and Desert Technologies have launched a joint venture to develop and invest in solar and smart infrastructure in Africa, the Middle East and Asia, as announced today at Expo 2020 Dubai. The venture, Capton Energy – which aims to build up a portfolio of investments in projects with an aggregate capacity of more than 1 gigawatts (GW) – will support projects providing clean, reliable, and affordable energy in areas that need it most.

Capton Energy ("Capton") has its headquarters in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, and is led by Umer Ahmad, who joined as chief executive and chief investment officer in January 2022. Ahmad is a well-known expert in the energy and infrastructure financing industry, bringing more than 21 years' experience as an equity investor, lender and advisor in developed and emerging markets, having led businesses and teams in a number of high-profile organizations, such as Barclays, Deloitte, SNC-Lavalin and Equitix.

Siemens, through its financing arm Siemens Financial Services (SFS), and Saudi Arabia-based Desert Technologies are joint shareholders in Capton. The company will primarily target investments in existing and greenfield solar power projects typically in a range of 20 to 100 megawatts (MW) of electricity generation capacity. Capton will benefit from the partners' ability to supply technology and expertise to facilitate the development of new solar facilities. The platform will also offer third party investors the opportunity to participate in the energy transition journey.

"Solar power plays a critical part in the global energy transition," said Steffen Grosse, head of Equity Finance for SFS. "The launch of Capton sets the stage to help drive the expansion of more sustainable and flexible energy systems across the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia and we're looking forward to jointly building this platform alongside Desert Technologies."

Desert Technologies is a solar PV and smart infrastructure holding company, focused on manufacturing and sustainable investments. based in Jeddah, the company has completed more than 40 solar projects in 22 countries.

"Solar power enables places without reliable energy networks to leapfrog the legacy infrastructure common in developed nations and benefit from sustainable, clean and affordable power," said Nour Mousa, the founder of Desert Technologies. "We are eager to work with Capton and Siemens to back projects and drive positive change in line with our ESG ideals. Such efforts to fully optimize the potential of the sun and technologies such as sustainable mini-grids and smart distributed energy systems will anchor our ideals and embody positive impact."

"Smart infrastructure powered by the sun are the key to sustainable development", said Khaled Sharbatly, Group Chief Investment Officer of Desert Technologies and Capton's Board Member. "based on the integration of renewables, storage and digital technologies, they have the potential to change for good every aspect of our life, acting as enablers of new social and economic paradigms, from energy equality to clean transportation and electric mobility".

Demand for solar energy is surging in the Middle East, Africa and Asian nations with abundant sunshine. In the Middle East alone, total installed capacity for solar power generation more than quadrupled from 2016 to 2020, according to data from the International Renewable Energy Agency in Abu Dhabi.

Efforts to bring sustainable electricity supplies to rural areas through the use of off-grid and battery storage systems are helping to spur this growth, as more countries shift away from fossil fuels that contribute to global warming.

"Capton Energy is already advanced in assembling a pipeline of solar-themed investments and is in progressive discussions to launch the inaugural fund raising," said Umer Ahmad, CEO and CIO of Capton Energy. "With Siemens and Desert Technologies as strategic partners, and the exceptional team we are bringing together within Capton, we are confident that we have the complete toolkit to bring an optimum blend of development, investment and technological capabilities, so we can meet the growing needs for solar energy in our target markets."

原标题:Siemens与Desert Technologies成立合资公司,助力非洲光伏基建
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