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可再生能源增长创新高 未能削减全球化石燃料份额
日期:2023-06-30   [复制链接]
责任编辑:sy_wangyue 打印收藏评论(0)[订阅到邮箱]





毕马威会计师事务所英国分部副主席兼能源和自然资源主管Simon Virley表示:“尽管可再生能源增长突破历史水平,但化石燃料在世界能源中所占的份额仍顽固地保持在82%,这应该成为各国政府加大能源转型紧迫性的号角。”




李峻 译自 油价网


Record Renewables Growth Fails To Cut Global Fossil Fuel Share

Record increases in solar and wind installations in 2022 failed to cut into the massive 82% share of fossil fuels in global energy consumption amid turbulent energy markets and energy security concerns, the annual Statistical Review of World Energy showed on Monday.

Moreover, despite the record growth of global solar and wind capacity additions last year, emissions rose again, to a new record high, and further put the world off track to the Paris Agreement targets, said the report, published by the Energy Institute (EI) and partners KPMG and Kearney, which earlier this year took over the publishing of one of the industry’s most closely-watched reports from BP that had published it for the prior 71 years.

The latest report showed that primary energy demand growth slowed in 2022, increasing by 1.1%, compared to 5.5% growth in 2021, and taking it to around 3% above the 2019 pre-COVID level.

Solar and wind capacity continued to surge, for a record increase of 266 gigawatts (GW) last year. Solar accounted for 72%, or 192 GW, of those capacity additions.

Despite the record rise in renewable energy, fossil fuels still account for 82% of global energy consumption, the report noted.

“Despite record growth in renewables, the share of world energy still coming from fossil fuels remains stubbornly stuck at 82%, which should act as a clarion call for governments to inject more urgency into the energy transition,” said Simon Virley, Vice Chair and Head of Energy and Natural Resources, KPMG in the UK.

As energy demand grew by 1.1% last year, global energy-related emissions continued to grow, and rose by 0.8% year-on-year, despite strong growth in renewables.

“Despite further strong growth in wind and solar in the power sector, overall global energy-related greenhouse gas emissions increased again,” EI President Juliet Davenport said.

“We are still heading in the opposite direction to that required by the Paris Agreement,” Davenport added. 

原标题:可再生能源增长创新高 未能削减全球化石燃料份额
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