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日期:2020-01-09   [复制链接]
责任编辑:yuguo 打印收藏评论(0)[订阅到邮箱]


瑞典皇家科学院(Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)指出,锂离子电池在过去十年创造了一个可再充电的世界,还可以储存大量来自太阳能和风能的能源,使无化石燃料社会成为可能。





瑞银分析师指出,未来10年,由于电池制造商的扩张计划、电动汽车电池的经验的积累,以及可再生能源的材料成本削减,电力系统成本降低,储能成本将下降66% - 80%。


王佳晶 摘译自 今日油价


2020: The Decade For Energy Storage

The developers of the lithium-ion battery won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2019, in recognition of a scientific achievement that has helped power our mobile phones, laptops, and electric vehicles (EVs).

“It can also store significant amounts of energy from solar and wind power, making possible a fossil fuel-free society,” The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences said, noting that lithium-ion batteries have created a rechargeable world over the past decade.

In the new decade, batteries and battery technology are set to play an increasingly important role in bringing more electric vehicles and renewable energy to the market, analysts say.

Rapidly declining costs and the potential to scale up existing and breakthrough battery and energy storage solutions are set to dramatically change the global mobility market and the power grid over the next ten years.

A lot of investments will be necessary in scaling up emerging battery and energy storage technology, as well as in the further development of lithium-ion batteries and alternative battery tech, to support the clean energy transition while global demand for electricity continues to rise.

Continuously falling battery costs, and rising capacity and usage of clean energy are set to result in booming global stationary energy storage over the next two decades, which will require total investments of as much as US$662 billion, BloombergNEF (BNEF) said in a report last year.

According to UBS, energy storage will be the next critical catalyst for a global shift towards renewable energy. Current energy storage capacity represents just 17 percent of total installed solar and wind capacity, UBS said in a report in November.

“Energy storage cost has almost halved in the past five years but generally remain too pricey for scale-up applications,” UBS says.

The investment bank expects that by 2025, energy storage cost will be under a third of what it is now. These lower costs would spur additional demand for renewables, batteries, and related materials and chemicals.

In the coming decade, energy storage costs are set to fall by 66-80 percent, driven by battery makers’ expansion plans, experience from EV batteries, and material cost cuts in renewables lowering power system costs, UBS’s analysts note.

The energy storage market could be worth up to US$426 billion by 2030.

相关阅读: 太阳能 储能技术
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